Saturday, December 28, 2019

Athletes In Danger In Sport - 1075 Words

Athletes are in Danger It is all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Many athletes, are being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis that takes control of the body. Others show symptoms of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy causing many to forget love ones. Theses types of diseases are attacking middle age men, who are involved in a sport. Today, sport’s programs just dont put enough care to the player, only to the performance that brings the profit. Any athlete can get a concussion at a game. Games are giving athletes head trauma that affects the brain, causing them to be in danger in the future. Athletes are dying and if changing the rules, even if it changes the game can save lives. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis†¦show more content†¦There are many other ailments that come with CTE like Parkinsons which is the death of viral nerve cells and HuitingtonÅ› the breakdown of nerve cells. CTE is one out of many diseases that have been ignored. Kevin Turner was a football player for the Patriot Eagles, he was diagnosed with ALS in 2010. He wanted to know if football had something to do with it. A studied showed that the National Football League (NFL) players were four times more likely to have ALS than most Americans. Also NFL players are three times more likely to die from ALS. The 91 athletes out of 95 that donated their brain to research had CTE. Therefore football has been a cause for ALS studied by Boston University. Turner said he knew a lot of people with ALS and usually were guys who played a position that have to do with big collisions. Turner stated that if he knew the risk of playing football he wouldnt have played. Is the sports world doing enough to help out athletes with theses neurological disease? NFL is supporting the athletes with ALS giving a 88 plan that gives the athletes financial help but it doesnt not include CTE. NFL did a fundraiser for ALS by doing the ice bucket challenge raising 41.8 million in dollars. After that generous donation did they continue with their fundraising for ALS? NFL is just been giving money to research for ALS. The sports world should not only give money to researchers to find a cure for ALS but to otherShow MoreRelatedSteriods in Sports Essay1259 Words   |  6 PagesNow put this through your mind. That athlete could improve his or her already superb skills into something even greater. This can be possible with the help of steroids. There is a current debate of allowing steroids to be legal in sports. Steroids should not be allowed in sports. Some people ask why. This research paper will give those people just a few of the many reasons why it should not be allowed. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Industrialization During The 19th Century - 1751 Words

Industrialization in the US During the 19th Century (Adjusted) There are many causes and effects of America’s Industrialization, some of the main reasons include: migration to cities, improved transportation, and laissez-faire philosophy, while the primary effects generated by these causes include; consumerism, expansion of the market, and changed working conditions. First, one of the major causes of America’s mechanization is social, and it’s the mass migration of people into the cities. Around the turn of the 20th century, America became the world’s largest industrial power and went from being predominantly rural to largely urban. People, who recognized the cities as areas of great opportunity, began to work in factories as cheap†¦show more content†¦Robert Fulton Steamboat Clermont first sailed from New York to Albany in 1807 demonstrating the potential of steampowered commerce, and by 1811 there were steamboats on the Mississippi. The introduction of steamboats set off a mania for canal building between 1800 and the Depression of 1837 which put a halt to most construction, more than 3,000 miles of canals were built. And no state was more instrumental in the canal boom then New York which in 1825 completed the 363 mile long Erie canal linking the Great Lakes, with the Hudson River, which made New York the nationâ €™s premier port. Nathaniel Hawthorne once said that, â€Å"the canal is like fertilizer causing cities to spring up along side it (The Canal Boat: Nathaniel Hawthorne Travels the Erie Canal.) The most important new transportation at the turn of the 19th century however was the railroad. The first commercial railroad The Baltimore and Ohio was begun in 1828 and by 1860 there were more than 30,000 miles of rails in the United States (Transportation Developments in the Early Republic.) This improvement is transportation increased demand and supply, and as more people needed more goods the industry of America as we know it now, began to grow. The third and final reason for Industrialization is political, and it’s laissez-faire philosophy. In 1776, economist Adam Smith released his work titled â€Å"The Wealth

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Alcohol Related Issues in Redfern New South Wales

Question: "ALCOHOL RELATED ISSUES IN REDFERN NEW SOUTH WALES" Explain why alcohol gives domestic violence.Identify what research in this area has already been undertaken and point out gaps in knowledge. Critically consider what debates exist and different points of view from within the particular disciplinary perspective. .Explain how this existing information will inform the work you are undertaking as a group. What, if any, policies, guidelines or regulations might exist that affect everyday life and the work of people, and the organisations within communities. Answer: Introduction Social problem is considered as a situation where some people are viewed as undesirable. The social problems can affect and hamper the society. On the other hand, social issues consider problems within a particular group or area. Therefore, it can affect the real life or community. The current study will be discussing about social problem related to alcohol related issues with reference to Redfern New South Wales and the relation between alcohol and domestic violence. Alcohol and Medical Problems According to alcohol is termed as toxic substance that can have serious affect on the body organs. The major health issues that are related with alcohol consumption are: Stomach Functioning and interferes can slow down with digestion Can cause ulcer and gastritis Chances of cancer Liver Person can have fatty liver or alcoholic hepatitis Permanent damage of liver (cirrhosis) Heart Can affect the rhythm of normal heart Blood vessels can damage Wane heart muscles Can lead to enlargement Other Effects Tremors in hands and feet Lead to muscles degeneration due to loss of protein Sexual issues Malnutrition problem Neuritis tingling sensation Social Problems connected with alcohol use As per Broady et al. (2014) consuming alcohol can lead to many consequences on the part of individual drinker and also on the environment and society. The people can lose their life and can affect the life of others along with him/her. Apart from that, Day (2013) mentioned that alcohol can lead to damage of much public or private property and can also affect the economic productivity. Workplace and alcohol consumption: Heavy percentage of drinking at the working place can lead to lower productivity. On the other hand, Hart, A. (2009) opined that excessive use of alcohol can end up to absence and it can involve substantial cost to workers and systems of social security. There are number of evidence which proves that alcohol dependence lead to higher percentage of sickness absence. For instance, in NSW about 30% of workplace accidents and absenteeism occurs due to alcohol dependence (, 2015). Family and Alcohol consumption: Powell and Murray (2008) stated that, alcohol use by the parents can lead to child abuse that can affect the environment of child psychologically, socially and economically. Moreover, the drinking can consume large money and affect the family life. The person drinking high alcohol can lead to violence, HIV infection with their partners, etc. Moreover, the person may have no concern for the family and can spend all their income on alcohol. Poverty and Alcohol: As per Roman and Reid (2012), the economic expenditure effect on drinks are wide in poverty areas. The drinker may suffer economic effects such as low wage, high medical expenses, lost employment opportunities, less eligible for having loan, etc. For instance, as per the recent survey in NSW around 10% of men agreed that they have high expenditure on alcohol than their total income. Real Cost of Alcohol According to Lee (2013), the large percentage of income or revenue is gained from the sale of alcohol. On the other hand, Lanz (2013) pointed that hidden or cumulative costs are higher in terms of health care, absenteeism and decreased level of income due to heavy alcohol use. Health and Safety: The use of alcohol can lead to premature death, various cancers, damage of organ system, violence, trauma, unsafe sexual practices, and families poor nutritional facilities, etc. For instance, from the survey on NSW, it was found that around 13-16% suffered from traumatic brain issues (Assaf and Chaban, 2013). Workplace: Around 400% of accidents and 20% of absenteeism at workplace was found in the survey conducted in 2009 in NSW due to consumption of alcohol. Apart from that, the annual loss that occurred due to alcohol was estimated to be around $1380 to $ 1570 million that affected the society and nation (, 2015). Family: According to Livingston (2011), almost3to 40% of household expenditure is depleted on alcohol. As a result, the families were incapable to pay for food or educations that are below poverty line. On the other hand, alcohol abuse can end up to separations or divorce and affect emotional trauma. Alcohol and Domestic Violence The alcohol use also has serious impact on the domestic violence incidents. The studies have resulted that the relationship among domestic violence and alcohol is complex. The domestic violence due to alcohol affects the emotional, social, physical and financial wellbeing of the families and individuals. For instance, an incidents analysis covered by New South Wales police in 1991 pointed that approx 40% of domestic violence arises due to alcohol (Rees and Pease, 2007). The violence against the partners involves more alcohol that having violence against other person. The domestic violence arises due to family pressure, work pressure, instable mental state, etc that affect both the partners. On the basis of previous studies, it has been found that wives that are abused by their partners have taken higher proportion of alcohol. For instance, as per the report of 2008, in NSW almost 30% has alcohol involvement and had bad behavior with their wife or families (, 2015). On the other hand,, 2015) investigated that in Australia, a large section of young rural female fatality pointed that they had verbal abuse in pubs, clubs and in home. As per the report conducted by Health Organization shows that: Physical Abuse Rural Metropolitan In Home 43.8% 30.4% In pubs and clubs 47.3% 32.6% Put in fear (in home) 32.1% 20.0% Apart from that, Lanz (2013) mentioned that as per the survey of community attitudes to violence against women in Australia resulted that community has perception that alcohol is the prime cause that lead to domestic violence. On the other hand, 94% of people pointed that alcohol as a trigger but is not an excuse for violence. The consumption of alcohol is strongly correlated with the partner violence against the non-partner violence. In the domestics violence between husband and wife, husband are more aggressors and largely hurts the wife by throwing hands, using slang language by using the power. According to Powell and Murray, (2008), the domestic violence arises if one partner is not happy with the conduct of their partners or behavior or having fight regularly. Therefore, it can make the people to consume alcohol in order to release out mental pressure. On the other hand, Hart, (2009) argued that domestic violence can arise if there is stress to maintain the family and provide good and healthy and in spite of trying hard the person may fail which can led to depression and inclined towards the alcohol. Moreover, the financial pressure, lower social standing and behavior changes can result in domestic violence. Therefore, it can be said that it is an excuse for violence. Change Models and Methods Brief Counseling: In order to squeeze out from the alcohol consumption, the addicted person can be given counseling so that the person life can be improved. The counselor may need to understand the current drinking levels and provide some tips to acknowledge the risks and benefits associated after consuming alcohol (Carrie Chan, 2015). Guide Self Change: The people can be motivated to resolve their issues and proper guidance can be delivered to the people. The addicted person has to be encouraged that he/she has to take the responsibility so that domestic violence can be decreased (Roman and Reid, 2012). Harm Reduction Model: This model can help to educate the people about drinking without engaging any legal, financial, physical and social issues (Day, 2013). The person may no need to stop their drinking but they may require drinking responsibly. Motivational Interviewing: The expert can conduct motivation interview for the people that are alcohol addicted and it can help them in realizing their negative consequences. It can help in bringing change among the people that can assist in solving domestic violence and building strong bonding between partners (Broady et al. 2014). Psychodynamic Therapy: The therapy can help in knowing the past or negative consequences or experiences that a person has gone through then it could help in bringing change in the drinker (Livingston, 2011). The alcohol counseling can deliver ways to the person to deal with the drinking habits. Personal View The alcohol consumption and addiction is a serious issue and gives rise to many issues that affect the personal and public life. According to me, I think that alcohol has a contribution in domestic violence but the reason of violence is based on other factors that lead to conflict. I believe that alcohol use has more affect on the family. The domestic violence hurts the weaker person the most. On the other hand, the reason behind domestic violence has to be studied before making the alcohol the main reason for violence. Conclusion The study on alcohol and its relation with domestic violence shows that it leaves a great impact on the family and individual person. The domestic violence gives rise to separation and physical problem. The people incline to alcohol due to many reasons that result in violence that affects family and people around family. Apart from that, in order to resolve the domestic violence some change models and methods is effective for the people that are alcoholic. References Assaf, S. and Chaban, S. (2013). Domestic Violence Against Single, Never-Married Women in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Violence Against Women, 19(3), pp.422-441. Broady, T., Gray, R. and Gaffney, I. (2014). Taking Responsibility: A Psychological Profile of Men Attending a Domestic Violence Group Work Intervention Program in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(14), pp.2610-2629. Carrie Chan, (2015). Alcohol Issues in Domestic Violence. Day, A. (2013). Commentary on Stuart et al . (2013): Domestic violence and interventions to reduce alcohol use. Addiction, 108(8), pp.1385-1386. Hart, A. (2009). Child-inclusive mediation in cases of domestic violence in Australia. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 27(1), pp.3-26., (2015). Alcohol in Australia Issues and Strategies. Lanz, P. (2013). Domestic Violence, Alcohol Consumption and Depression in Criminal Population. Psychology, 04(03), pp.153-158. Lee, M. (2013). Breaking Barriers: Addressing Structural Obstacles to Social Service Provision for Asian Survivors of Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women, 19(11), pp.1350-1369. Livingston, M. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and domestic violence. Addiction, 106(5), pp.919-925. Powell, A. and Murray, S. (2008). Children and Domestic Violence: Constructing a Policy Problem in Australia and New Zealand. Social Legal Studies, 17(4), pp.453-473. Rees, S. and Pease, B. (2007). Domestic Violence in Refugee Families in Australia. Journal of Immigrant Refugee Studies, 5(2), pp.1-19. Roman, C. and Reid, S. (2012). Assessing the Relationship Between Alcohol Outlets and Domestic Violence: Routine Activities and the Neighborhood Environment. Violence, 27(5), pp.811-828., (2015). Global Status Report on Alcohol 2004.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

They Will Be Proud free essay sample

I lived in a small town in Mexico named Tepalcingo. The streets made of small rocks, the roads falling apart much like the houses. Kids would run around playing with old toys and mud. I was that child, my family struggled. We lived in a small house made of tree branches with mud that helped them stay up; and the wet brown mud was our floor, one bed for five people; my parents, my two older sisters and myself. We didn’t have a place to shower, and we used a large bin with a small container to pour water over ourselves and heated water over a handmade fireplace. My dad was never home, he was away working in a factory, while my mom stayed home and took care of us.My sisters and I always waited at the door for my dad to come home he would bring us our favorite yogurt, until one day he didn’t show. We will write a custom essay sample on They Will Be Proud or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I didn’t know why at the time nor would I understand: I was only 2, but my mom did, so did my sisters. A year later I was on a plane headed to the U.S. The entire time I thought my dad hadabandoned us; he was working hard to get us to a greener, better place. As I grew up, we moved around a lot. Money was tight, by the time I was seven we shared a two bedroom apartment with my uncle and his friend. They had one bedroom, and we had the other. Living in Oregon was different compared to Mexico. Instead of staying at home with my mom and helping around the house, I never saw my mom or dad. My older sister Marlen was like my mother. Every morning for school she’d wake me up, we would eat our cereal half asleep. I would sit on a chair in front of my tv watching music videos, my eyes half shut and my body restless. I need to wake up I can’t miss school. It was rare to have my mom home when Id wake up for school. I was use to it. To see her there one morning it was strange, and I continued with my morning routine. While I was eating my cereal with my sisters, my mom told me she would take me to my bus stop. I had never been so happy I quickly got up and ran to get my backpack. We rushed out the door and made our way to the bus stop, half way there we heard a buzzing sound; it was her manager. All i heard was â€Å"Ill be ready in 5 minutes† she cleaned apartments with other ladies so her getting called randomly was no surprise. My mother kneeled down and kissed me and said sorry. She walked back home, and I walked to my bus stop. The entire bus ride I was quiet. No words no facial expressions just tears slowly making their way down my face. Do my parents hate me? Is that why they never want to be around. Some time went by, and I began to understand everything. My parents didn’t hate me, in fact, they loved me so much they worked hard day in and day out to provide for our family. They might have been exhausted, but they never gave up. By the time I was ten my parents were working two jobs. I saw them both get home late at night. Tired, worn out and stressed, they never knew I saw them this way because as soon as I walked out to hug them, they would smile and pretend they were okay. I’d hug them and kiss them goodnight. I hope they’re okay. They seem so tired please God let them rest.I grew up, and things were getting better. We got our own apartment, and my parents were home more often now, not as stressed but still tired. My parents have worked hard to get our family to where we are now. No, we dont have a lot of money, but we are rich in love. They taught me many valuable lessons I still carry with me to this day. Lessons that I try to use every day, in situations that are deemed suitable. In many of my classes in high school, I have had a rough time understanding what is going on or what I have to do. I sit in class my parents went through so much and got through it I can too. It motivates me to reach out and try something new. Im proud to have parents like mine. I may not live in a huge house and have all these luxuries, but theyve given me what I need if not more, my family under one roof healthy and that to me is priceless. I want to make my parents proud, I challenge myself and will continue to challenge myself to reach my goals to show my parents that their hard work has paid off as well.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Self Portrait free essay sample

Shes never been called glamorous or even an enthusiastic pretty. Her acorn-colored hair hangs simply above her shoulders and sometimes catches a glitter from the reflecting sun. Shes constantly trying to keep it tucked behind her ear in hopes that it wont stray, but it usually half-covers her eye in hopes that it one day will cover her whole face and hide her emotions from everyone. Her blue eyes are like a chameleon changing with her every outfit. Sometimes as blue as the ocean on a Caribbean beach while other times they are as dark as a storm rolling across the hills. Her freckled face makes her appear younger and in the summer they serve to cover most of her nose. Her mother and friends used to tell her that they could tell when she was lying because a freckle under her right eye twitched. She now knows that they were mistaken because she has pulled a few over on them. We will write a custom essay sample on Self Portrait or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her thin frame often struggles to endure all her emotions. She tries to encase her slender legs with baggy jeans, but her baggy jeans are still a childrens size. Most of her clothes end up being hand-me-downs from her friend, so they already have that worn-in look that she loves. Her dream is to see Michael Jordan play basketball and her goal is to visit the Sistine Chapel in Rome. She has no desire to save the world or become the first woman president. She already fulfilled her greatest ambition when she proved the doctors wrong, winning her battle with cancer. Because of this she would ultimately like to find a cure for cancer and save a mother from the same worries her mother had. She longs to find her own style and not just be another face in the crowd. She has never been one for make-up. In the winter you can see a faint glitter of blush surrounding her cheekbones but in the summer her face is overwrought with red, peeling flesh. Because of her contacts it is hard to do much with her small, marble eyes. If she could make one wish it would be that she could see perfectly. She attempts to appear strong and confident on the outside but on the inside she is still that shy, insecure, pig-tailed ten-year-old. She is often crying on the inside while laughing out loud. She longs to be accepted but claims others opinions dont really matter. She preaches that self love is important while she is her own worst enemy.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Mein Fuhrer.....I can walk essays

Mein Fuhrer.....I can walk essays In 1962 Stanley Kubrick made a satire about Nuclear holocaust and he called it Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Now, more than four decades later, Kubricks film is an excellent example of human feelings during the early sixties. In fact, the movie continues to be relevant now, as we face our current enemy: global terrorism. To appreciate the brilliance of this film, one must take into account the psychological and social atmosphere at the time when it was made. The story was written during the fifties; the cold war was in full swing. We were involved in Vietnam. The Cuban Missile Crisis had occurred. Fear and paranoia were at an all time high among the civilian, political, and military populations. It was a time when school children were instructed to duck and cover for air raid drills to prepare for a nuclear attack. Fear of the red army - the Rooskies was omnipresent. The House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC), which began in 1938, was still summoning people to testify against colleagues and friends. Dr. Strangelove perfectly depicts the paranoia and, in doing so, also shows how absurd the whole thing was. The word "subtle" does not exist in the world of this film. This is, after all, a comedy which addresses nuclear holocaust and mocks the paranoia of its time. The entire film is ironic. The work opens in a serious mood as a plane crew in flight receives a message that they are to bomb Russia. The captain of the crew, Major Kong, is played by Slim Pickens, an actor recognized for his thick Texas accent. After double checking the order to drop the bomb, Kong unlocks a safe and pulls out a cowboy hat and puts the hat on. At this point, it becomes apparent something is seriously wrong with these people. After an initial viewing it becomes clear that Strangelove is a comedy. On a ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Whistleblowing policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Whistleblowing policy - Essay Example In both public and private organizations, incidents of unethical and unprofessional conduct by the employees are common occurrences. The actions of such employees can take different forms, including sabotage, misappropriation of funds, espionage among other deeds against the professional ethics and conduct of an organization (PwC, 2011). The effects of such actions in an organization can be severe to both the company as well as the public, depending on the magnitude of the action. However, Boyle (1990) noted that any action that goes against the code of ethics of a particular organization, regardless of how small causes irreparable damage, which could herald greater economic and public image of the company. Adler and Daniels (1992) defined whistleblowing as â€Å"the public interest disclosure whereby a fellow worker reports a concern about the misconduct or omissions of the fellow colleague(s) and or employers that may cause danger to other people or the organization.† Most a ctions of misconduct involve theft and compromising on the safety of fellow workers and the public. The importance of whistleblowing in an organization cannot be overemphasized especially in the current competitive world market, which exposes organization to insecurity in order to undermine the competitive edge in business. In this regard, many corporations are increasingly formulating whistleblowing policies as a measure of preempting such attacks. Voluntarily instigated whistle blowing policy is one of such measures and according to Lewis (2001), the disclosure should be made in good faith, meaning that the confession should made out of real concern about a wrong action. In this regard, making maliciously motivated disclosures based on false accusations does not amount to whistle blowing. For whistleblowing to perform in the best interests of the company, Lewis (2001) notes that the whistleblower should have reasonable conviction that the information in his or her knowledge is sig nificantly correct even if it could turn to be untrue later. Raising grievances or complaining does not amount to whistle blowing because such talk in an organization is usually personalized, where employees could complain of being mistreated or sabotaged. In this case, a whistle blower should not be a person who has direct personal interests on the result of any given exploration or investigation to their concerns that they might have raised. A whistleblower should raise real concerns so that other in authority can address the problem (Jesse, 2010). Organizations have different areas of concern and they include but not limited to the incidents where an employee defrauds the organization, physical or emotional abuse of patients such as the elderly and vulnerable groups in medical setting. Moreover, faulty machines or equipment that expose operators and clients to risk in addition to situations where employees are bribed to award grants tenders and other approved monetary transaction s in an organization(Jesse, 2010). Whistleblowing could serve in an organization’s interest by enhancing better risk management practices (Adler and Daniels, 1992). However, employees should be empowered so that they can have enough confidence to report matters of concern without suffering from any form of physical, psychological and financial consequence. It is important for organizations to have effective risk management practices to prevent incidents of costly litigations, higher insurance premiums, damaged reputation of the organization in addition to loss of lives, jobs and even being subjected to stringent investigations (Adler and Daniels, 1992). In this regard, instigated voluntary whistle blowing can help in triggering early warning systems for employers. This could enable organizations to enforce effective policies that provide clear framework for taking action against culpable employees and employers. If employees voluntarily voice their concerns in an organization without being forced to approach an external authority, employers would often have the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Human Rights in Islam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Rights in Islam - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to explore the UDHR and compare it to the stipulations of Islam, finding similarities and differences between the two. This will show that, whilst the majority of the articles represent facets of Islam, there are a number of areas in which the UDHR fails to represent this religious tradition. One of the most obvious similarities between Shariah law and the UDHR is that they both oppose discrimination based on race, gender, language, nationality or religion. The Quran suggests that ‘when the Trumpet is blown, no ties of kinship will exist between them on that day, nor may they question one another’ (The Quran, 23:101). This essentially makes reference to the fact that Allah will not discriminate based on these things on judgement day. The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI) is essentially an Islamic version of the UDHR, and also includes this sentiment as the very most important thing, which suggests that there is a high amount of compatibility between the two. Islam itself is seen to be a very all-encompassing religion, as it encourages people of all races to convert to the religion, again suggesting that the UNDR and Islam are similar in content in this department. Another element that is common to both the UNDR and Islam is the focus on women’s rights and equality between genders. For example, the CDHRI suggests that women have ‘equal human dignity’ (Hashimi, 1997) and therefore should be treated as well as men are. Islam and the CDHRI also both place emphasis on the fact that men and women both have the right to choose their own spouses regardless of race or pressure from outside parties. The UDHR also expresses this, suggesting that ‘Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution’ (United Nation s, 2012, Article 16). The reference to dissolution is also important, as Islam is well-regarded for being one of the first religions to allow women the right to divorce their own husbands by choice (Hashimi, 1997). Both Islam and the UDHR place an emphasis on living quality. It seems sensible to both parties to encourage living standards to be the best possible, as all humans have the right to live cleanly and safely. The Quran puts this sentiment very nicely, suggesting that ‘he who saves a life will be as if he had saved the lives of all humankind’ (The Qur’an, 5:32). There are further quotes which support the fact that Islam is for the preservation of human life, rather than destroying it, and saving a life is incredibly important in the religion. The aim of Islam is to ensure that everyone lives a long and happy life (Hashimi, 1997). Similarly, the UDHR suggests, in article 25, that ‘everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family’ (United Nations, 2012). This is yet more evidence for the fact that the UDHR and Islam stand for several similar principles in a number of matters. There are, however, a number of times in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Econ 157 Problem Set Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Econ 157 Problem Set - Assignment Example These curves can cross in more than one place. Here an unequivocal statement regarding the income distribution of these two countries cannot be made. However Gini coefficient is a definite value between 0 and 1. If the Gini coefficient of country-one is greater than country- two it can be concluded that country two has comparatively a better income distribution compared to the country-1. Poverty headcount ratio indicates the percentage proportion of population which is below the poverty line set by the central bank. With increasing value of the denominator Po value of this equation can decline. Example: country’s poverty can increase at a lower rate compared to the total population growth while decreasing Po. Here the headcount of poor increase while the Po value decrease. Consumers spend a higher proportion of total household income to buy essential foods in poor countries. Therefore decreasing income can substantially decrease the calorie intake by the families in these countries. In developed countries consumers’ food basket includes non-essential foods and their utility is influenced by non-nutrient related concerns such as taste. Therefore income change can affect minimally to their calorie intake. In the above model measurement error is produced from the unobserved variables. In regression analyses it is assumed that unobserved factors are independent from the explanatory variables. However ability and schooling are correlated. Therefore biased estimates can be produced. In describing the differences in economic development across countries geography and institutions are commonly used. Geography argument states that localized environment determine the quality of factors of production such as land, labor, capital and technology available in different countries. Thus location specific characteristics such as climate, being landlocked, special linkages with other countries and endowment of natural resources

Friday, November 15, 2019

Phase Transformations Microstructural Control

Phase Transformations Microstructural Control Phase transformations microstructural control 2xxx-series Aluminum Alloys Introduction: 2000 Series Aluminum Alloys: Principal alloying element is copper with minor additions of manganese and magnesium. This series of aluminum is the original heat treatable alloy group developed in the 1920s. The best known, most widely used heat treatable alloy for aircraft and aerospace is 2024. Can be spot and friction welded but not fusion welded (a few exceptions being tank structures in the Titan Missile). Has good formability in the annealed temper condition and some formability in the solution treated and aged condition, but needs intelligent application in complex designs. Has excellent fatigue properties when compared to other aluminum alloys, excellent strength to weight ratio. Good machinability. Poor resistance to corrosion without alclad layer or secondary chem film, anodize and/or prime and paint. Can be chem film and anodized readily. Other 2000 series alloys include 2017 seen widely in aluminum rivets, fasteners and screw machine parts and 2014 which is used heavily in forgings. These three alloys, 2024, 2014, and 2017 can be considered the foundations of aluminum aircraft, missiles and space vehicles during these past 75 years. Heat Treating Aluminum Alloys: (1) Example 2024: Aluminum alloys are not allotropic they do not undergo a phase or structure change like steels when heating. But if the right alloying additions are present they can be heat treated by solution heat treating and precipitation hardening. In the early days (1930s) solution heat treatment was referred to as ST, and many times precipitation hardening was referred to as aging. Solution heat treatment involves temperatures very close to the melting point of the aluminum alloy, usually 200 300 deg. below the melting point. The purpose is to provide enough thermal energy to dissolve, in a solid solution, the alloy elements present. In the case of 2024, the major alloy element is copper, and by taking the part to 920 deg. F, the copper present within the 2024 will dissolve or disperse uniformly throughout the solid aluminum part. This can be difficult to comprehend how can something dissolve and still be solid? As Einstein once said, everything is relative Without getting into the solid state physics of the metallurgical reactions, dissolution does occur but only at this high temperature. However, if you slowly cool down the part, the copper wants to come back out of solution. Here is where the important step of quenching takes place. Quenching is a very rapid cool down, using water, on the order of 500 600 deg. per second. Quenching locks in place all alloy elements that have been dissolved at the high solution heat treat temperature. Before the alloy additions can think about changing places and moving back out of solution wham! they are locked in place by the rapid quench cool down. The result is called a super saturated solid solution an unstable condition. Quenching is critical to proper solution heat treatment. Aging Precipitation Hardening can now happen under the right conditions. In the case of natural aging of 2024, or aging at room temperature, the dissolved copper slowly comes back out of solution over an extended time (96 hours minimum), forming CuAl precipitants. Precipitants or precipitated particles can be thought of as army commandos, coming from nowhere out of the sky to stand guard, strengthening the territory. Indeed the word precipitant comes from the weather term precipitation meaning to separate and fall from solution (clouds). Precipitated particles in heat treatable aluminum alloys strengthen the alloy by pinning or locking up numerous microstructural features in the aluminum. Other heat treatable alloys like 6061 and 7075 undergo very similar precipitation reactions, with the actual precipitated particles differing depending on whether zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon or copper additions are present. The way that metallurgists control the formation of these precipitants will determine the mechanical and corrosion properties later. In the case of artificial aging or precipitation hardening, the previously solution heat treated and quenched parts are subjected to elevated temperatures (instead of room temperature) in the range of 225-375 deg. F over extended periods of time (4-24 hours). The precipitants formed and grown here are more controlled and substantial in nature, resulting in higher mechanical properties as compared to naturally aged conditions. Abstract: Recently, Aluminum and Aluminum alloys are broadly used in several fields of industries due to their properties such as, light weight (low density), good formability, good malleability, high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity and high corrosion resistance. In general, pure aluminum and its alloys still have many problems during using in the engineering applications; for example: unstable mechanical properties and relatively low strength . Therefore; adding alloying elements, and heat treatment are done to modify the microstructure and improve the mechanical properties of aluminum. The alloying elements could be classified as major and minor elements, microstructure modifiers or impurities, where the minor elements in some alloys may be major elements in other alloys. This report investigates the influences of copper as alloying element on aluminum alloys and then the microstructures mechanical properties relations in this regards. Introduction: Aluminum copper alloys are gaining huge industrial usage because of their outstanding combination of mechanical, physical properties. These properties involve high specific strength specially high temperature strength, high hardness. These properties obtained through addition of copper and other alloy elements and heat treatment ability of this series. Alloying elements are chosen according to their effects and suitability (1) Aluminium-Copper Alloys: Due to the wrought aluminum alloys designation system, aluminium copper alloys are designated 2xxx series. the major alloying element in this series is copper (Cu). 2xxx series could include manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), Silicon (Si), titanium (Ti), and nickel (Ni) as minor alloying elements. Table (1) shows the chemical compositions of some wrought aluminum-copper alloys (2xxx) (2): Table (1): chemical compositions of Al-Cu alloys Alloy Si% Cu% Mn% Mg% Ni% Ti% Other elements% 2011 0.4 max 5.0 6.0 Pb=0.4 Bi=0.4 2014 0.5 1.2 3.9 5.0 0.4 1.2 0.2-0.8 0.15 max 2017 0.2 0.8 3.5 4.5 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.8 0.15 max 2018 0.9 max 3.5-4.5 0.4-0.9 1.7-2.3 2024 0. 5 max 3.8 4.9 0.3 0.9 1.2 1.8 0.15 max 2025 0.5-1.2 3.9-5.0 0.4-1.2 0.15 max 2124 0. 2 max 3.8 4.9 0.3 0.9 1.2 1.8 0.15 max 2219 0. 2 max 5.6 6.8 0.2 0.4 0.02 0.1 V=0.1 Zr=0.18 2319 0. 2 max 5.6-6.8 0.2-0.4 0.1-0.2 V=0.1, Zr=0.18 Microstructure-Property Relationships: Copper which is the primary alloying element in the 2xxx series alloys increases the tensile strength, fatigue strength and hardness of aluminum alloys because of the effect of solid solution hardening. It also improve the machinability of alloys by increasing matrix hardness. However, copper reduces the corrosion resistance and the ductility. The following diagram illustrates the maximum solubility of copper in aluminum (up to 6.5%) (2). Fig (4): Partial phase diagram for the aluminum-copper system showing the maximum solubility of copper in aluminum Good solubility of copper in aluminum up to 5.65% at T=548oC (eutectic temperature). Eutectic phase consists of ÃŽÂ ± phase (Al 5.65%Cu) which is ductile and ÃŽÂ ¸ phase (CuAl2;52.75%Cu) which is brittle. 5 > 5% Cu ÃŽÂ ± phase in some cases surrounded by ÃŽÂ ¸ phase. 33% Cu so brittle according to high amount of brittle ÃŽÂ ¸ phase. Aluminum-copper alloys are the group of aluminum alloys which are heat-treatable. Where by increasing temperature copper demonstrates increasing solid solubility in aluminum. As sequence significant additional strengthening could be produced and stabilizing of the structure could be achieved (7). References: 1. Rana R S, Purohit R, Das S. Reviews on the Influences of Alloying Elements on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Alloys and Aluminium Alloys composites. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 6, 2012; ISSN 2250-3153. 2. Substances Technologies. Wrought aluminum-copper alloys (2xxx). Weblog. Available from: 3. Yong Lee C, Hyun Choi D, Bae Lee W, Park SK, Yeon YM, Jung SB. Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Double-Friction Stir Welded 2219 Al Alloy. Materials Transactions , Vol. 49, No. 4 (2008) pp. 885 to 888. 4. Robinson J. S,. Cudd R. L,. Evans J. T. Creep resistant aluminium alloys and their applications. Materials perspective 2003. 5. The Aluminum Association, Inc. Aluminum Alloy Selection and Applications. 1998; (202) 862-5100. 6. ASM Vol 06 Welding, Brazing, and Soldering. 7. AlcoTec. The Differences Between Heat-Treatable and Non-Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys. Weblog. Available from: 8. Yong Lee1C, Choi1DH, Lee WB, Park SK, Yeon YM, Jung SB. Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Double-Friction Stir Welded 2219 Al Alloy. 2008;Materials Transactions, Vol. 49, No. 4 (2008) pp. 885 to 888.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Genetic Engineering: Genetic Research and Gene Therapy :: Persuasive Argumentative Essay Examples

Genetic Research and Gene Therapy The human genome is the key to gene therapy, genetic diagnosis, and even to genetically engineer human beings. The human genome is a map of the entire DNA sequence, a blue book, of the individual, which is currently being mapped by the Human Genome Project. Knowing where and which gene controls what trait and causes what genetic disease will armed doctors with a powerful tool to treat their patients in the molecular level. On the other hand, people can jump at the opportunity to manipulate genes to create the perfect baby or enhance a specific trait. One of the few ways of achieving these goals is through research on human embryos. Genetic research on human embryo has two implications. One in therapeutic research (to detect, and hopefully correct gene flaws), which is more practical, and the other is parents deciding how their child should look (or an extreme word, eugenic). The latter, which in the present is wishful thinking but will be a reality in the future if the technology becomes feasible. This paper will mainly discuss the therapeutic research (the medical practice and technological aspect of genetic engineering on embryos) to show what can be done medically and its implications. The consequences, moral and ethical issue of genetic research on human embryos will not be discuss in length here, for it is a topic in other groups and within my group. Currently in therapeutic research, one of the things that can be done is a process call Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). PGD is a new medical treatment that incorporates the technology of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and the ability to genetically removed a single cell from an 8-cell embryo to detect any genetic abnormalities (Forbidden Knowledge). In this way, "couples at high genetic risk [will have the] opportunity to start their pregnancy knowing that their baby will not have a lethal inherited disease" rather than stress by deciding whether or not to undergo a prenatal test such as amniocentesis, which requires the pregnancy be at least 15 weeks (Forbidden Knowledge). Some of the major genetic diseases that can be detected are Cystic Fibrosis, Huntington's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, some form of cancers (Carmosino), aneuploidy chromosomes for chromosome 13, 18, 21, X, and Y (Jones), and sickle-cell anemia (Henig, 58). Gene therapy, which is in is early stages will greatly benefit from embryo research.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

National Federation of Independent Business v Sebelius Essay

Life was different back in the 1880s. The telephone had just been invented, James Garfield was president, and doctors used heroin and cocaine as medicine. Alas, many doctors knew very little about medicine. Oftentimes unsafe and unsterile practices were used on patients. The NY Times reports that, â€Å"At least a dozen medical experts probed the President [Garfield]’s wound, often with unsterilized metal instruments or bare hands, as was common at the time. Historians agree that massive infection, which resulted from unsterile practices, contributed to Garfield’s death. One man suggested that they turn the president upside down and see if the bullet would just fall out. † Because of their usual lack of success, doctors did not charge very much for their services; it was very affordable most of the time, even for middle class families. However, as time and technology progressed, the cost of healthcare and medical instruments dramatically rose. In his â€Å"New Deal† package, President Roosevelt proposed a state-run healthcare system with compulsory health insurance for state residents, but states could choose whether to participate. The federal government would provide some subsidies and set minimum standards that the state had to adhere by. While the proposal did not pass, the idea of universal healthcare coverage for everyone stuck. Since Roosevelt, every single Democratic President elected into office has attempted to pass a version of universal health care, but none have achieved the feat. That is, until President Obama was sworn into office in January 2009. In his 2008 presidential campaign, he made healthcare reform a central issue. Both parties adopted their version of reform, but since Democrats held a majority in the House and the Senate at the time, their version was the one that passed. On March 23rd, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (dubbed by many Republicans as â€Å"ObamaCare†). According to the White House, it claims four key components of the law: stronger consumer rights and protections (which includes a ban on lifetime limits, a ban on denying children health insurance based on pre-existing conditions, and a ban on coverage cancellations), more affordable coverage (Private insurers must provide justification for double-digit increases in premiums), better access to care (Preventative screenings for cancer are now free), and stronger Medicare (Provides relief to seniors who cannot afford prescription drugs). Since insurance companies are required to provide care, it makes sense to buy insurance only when you need it. In other words, wait until you get sick to buy insurance, because they cannot turn you down. In order to combat this, the law includes an individual mandate, which requires anyone that can afford it to buy health insurance, or pay a penalty to the IRS. In essence, this is the part of the law that pays for it all. This is also the section many Republicans hate. In their philosophy, the government cannot force someone to buy something they may or may not need. They argued that this law was unconstitutional, and they sued in federal court to have the law nullified. There were three cases overall: one from the states (Florida v. U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Svcs. ), one from the federal government (U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Svcs. v. Florida), and one from the National Federation of Independent Business (Nat’l Fed. of Independent Bus. v. Sebelius). Due to conflicting rulings from the lower courts in different jurisdictions, the Supreme Court decided to hear the case to settle the differences. From March 26th to March 28th, 2012, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments from both sides. On the first day, the court heard argument over whether the Tax Anti-Injunction Act passed into law in 1867 barred the Supreme Court from even making a decision in this case. The Tax Anti-Injunction Act says, â€Å"No suit for the purpose of restraining the assessment or collection of any tax shall be maintained in any court by any person, whether or not such person is the person against whom such tax was assessed. † Basically, it means that you cannot sue the government for a tax you believe is unfair, until you have already paid that tax. This was passed into law to prevent people from filing lawsuits against the government to avoid paying taxes. Potentially, this could mean that no one can challenge the constitutionality of the ACA (Affordable Care Act) until someone has actually paid the penalty. At the earliest, they could sue on April 15th, 2015. The Supreme Court held that since Congress specifically labeled the consequences of the mandate as a penalty rather than a tax, the Anti-Injunction Act did not apply to this case, and that the court had the authority to hear the arguments. On the second day, the court heard arguments over whether the ndividual mandate component of the ACA fell under the constitutional powers of Congress. There were two arguments from the Solicitor General’s side (the ones supporting the constitutionality of the ACA): the ACA was constitutional under the commerce clause, and that the ACA was constitutional under the taxing power of Congress. The states (the ones claiming the ACA is unconstitutional) argued that Congress could not create commerce for it to regulate, and that the law described the consequences of the mandate a â€Å"penalty†, therefore it is not a tax. On the third day, the court heard arguments on the severability of the law. They questioned whether the ACA could survive if the court struck down the individual mandate. In the end, in a 5-4 decision, the court upheld the individual mandate component of the ACA as a valid exercise of the taxing power of Congress. They concluded that a financial penalty for not buying something constituted a non-direct tax. Because it is a non-direct tax, it is not required to be apportioned among the several states. The justices that voted for the constitutionality of the law are the four liberal justices Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, and the conservative Chief Justice John Roberts. The justices that voted against the constitutionality of the law are the other four conservative justices: Anthony Kennedy, Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas. John Roberts was the key swing vote. When asked why he voted for a law he is personally against, Chief Justice John Roberts responded, â€Å"The Framers created a Federal Government of limited powers, and assigned to this Court the duty of enforcing those limits. The Court does so today. But the Court does not express an opinion on the wisdom of the Affordable Care Act. Under the Constitution, that judgment is reserved to the people. In my opinion, I applaud the decision of the Court. From the beginning, I thought the penalty was a tax; I assumed it was called a penalty for political purposes. People would not like the idea of a tax increase. In reality, the penalty is collected in the same manner as a tax, so there are no real differences between the two. I have also gained a newfound respect for Chief Justice John Roberts. I think it is commendable to put the law in front of your personal beliefs. He has done exactly what is expected of a Supreme Court justice. If I were a Supreme Court justice, I would have made he same decision that he and the four liberal justices made. There are two types of consequences this law holds: political and provisional. The provisional consequences of the law are the ones directly stated in the law: a ban on lifetime limits, Medicaid expansion, etc. The political consequences of this law are not explicitly stated, however they can be inferred and speculated upon. There are three major political consequences. The first consequence is that Obama can claim a major victory. He can now say his law withstood a Supreme Court challenge and passed the constitutionality test. A defeat would have been bad for the administration and the campaign. Instead, he has a chance to re-energize his base and reinstate the flow of campaign cash. The second consequence is that now that the law is no longer a legal issue, it becomes a campaign issue. Both Obama and Romney must sell voters on Obamacare. The court ruling could have stir a shift in public opinion among independent voters, and both candidates must appeal to this shift. Obama will insist this law was the right thing to do, while Romney will propose a new healthcare reform bill. The third consequence is that the ruling will enrage Republicans and make them more eager to vote for Romney so he can repeal the law. Voter turnout is expected to be lower than it was in 2008, and anything that can increase the turnout will be beneficial for Romney. This law and its subsequent legal challenge have major political consequences. Whether you live in the 1880s or in the present day, chances are you will need health care at some point in your life. Ever since President Roosevelt proposed universal health care back in the 1930s, many politicians have tried to pass it into law. Until the ACA, it was considered politically impossible; the idea just did not appeal to voters. The law has withstood a major legal challenge, and it will be up to Obama and Romney to convince independent voters that their version of healthcare reform is the best. If Obama wins the election, in 2014 everyone that can afford it must buy health insurance, whether they want to or not. If they don’t, they will pay a tax equivalent to 1% of their income. If Romney wins the election, he will try to repeal the ACA and replace it with a reform package of his own. Only time will tell what will happen.

Friday, November 8, 2019

President Bill Clintons Impeachment essays

President Bill Clintons Impeachment essays The 42nd President of the United Sates, William Jefferson Clinton, is considered the most investigated President in U.S. history. The first scandal, Travelgate, involved the White House travel office and the firing of seven employees who were replaced by Clintons Arkansas friends in 1993, and was followed a few months later by the Whitewater controversy (Presidential). In 1994, around the same time that Paula C. Jones publicly alleged that Clinton, while Governor of Arkansas, had sexual harassed her, Clinton began an eighteen-month affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 22 year-old White House intern (Presidential). Lewinskys name was first included on a list of potential witnesses prepared by Jones attorneys that was submitted to Clintons legal team (Clinton). In 1996, Lewinsky was transferred to a position at the Pentagon, where she became friends with Linda Tripp, also transferred from the White House, who began to secretly tape-record Lewinskys telephone conversations in which she confided to Tripp her affair with the President (Presidential). Tripp provided more than twenty hours of tape recordings to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, who received permission from the U.S. Justice Department to expand his Whitewater investigation to include Clintons close friend Vernon Jordan, believing he had encouraged Lewinsky to deny her affair with Clinton during a sworn affidavit (Presidential). On January 16, 1998, Tripp lured Lewinsky to a hotel room. There, her conversation with Tripp was secretly recorded pursuant to a court order. Lewinsky was then confronted by federal agents who charged her with perjury and demanded that she cooperate by providing evidence against Clinton (Clinton). The following day, Clinton denied having sexual relations with Lewinsky, and by January 21, the media was reporting that Starrs investigation had expanded to include the Lewinsky allegations (Clinton). On J...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Robert Sokolowski

Robert Sokolowski and Stephen Pope have two very different ideas on the legalization of same-sex marriage. Sokolowski is a firm believer that Marriage has traditionally been understood to be a human relationship ordered toward reproduction and he feels that if same-sex marriages are allowed then the whole idea of marriage may be ruined. Once the aspect of reproduction is taken out of marriage then any couple, two or more, who feels they should get married just to reek the financial benefits of the marriage may do so. Stephen Pope On the other hand is for same-sex marriage. While Pope agrees with Sokolowski in the fact that in the past marriage has been related to child-bearings but Pope feels that child-rearing should not be the first and defining characteristic of marriage. In Sokolowskis, The Threat of Same-Sex Marriage, he talks about gay marriage and the consequences it would have if allowed. In his defense against same-sex marriage he raises four key points. The first point argues that if same-sex marriage would ruin the traditional notion which states that procreation defines what marriage is. Marriage would then have to be defined as just the exchange of sex. His second point is that if that is true then any group of people who are friends may come together and marry just to reap the financial gains that marriage may offer, including couples of two or more people. This is because as long as marriage is defined as adults engaging in sexual relations, then multi-partner relationships would fit into that category. The third point is that if we go against the idea of marriage and procreation going hand in hand then we are going against the ancient idea that the nature of things determines their good and proper functioning. The final idea is that the defining characteristic of marriage is the procreation of life and not mutual love. He feels that these two things are on different levels and should not be group into ... Free Essays on Robert Sokolowski Free Essays on Robert Sokolowski Robert Sokolowski and Stephen Pope have two very different ideas on the legalization of same-sex marriage. Sokolowski is a firm believer that Marriage has traditionally been understood to be a human relationship ordered toward reproduction and he feels that if same-sex marriages are allowed then the whole idea of marriage may be ruined. Once the aspect of reproduction is taken out of marriage then any couple, two or more, who feels they should get married just to reek the financial benefits of the marriage may do so. Stephen Pope On the other hand is for same-sex marriage. While Pope agrees with Sokolowski in the fact that in the past marriage has been related to child-bearings but Pope feels that child-rearing should not be the first and defining characteristic of marriage. In Sokolowskis, The Threat of Same-Sex Marriage, he talks about gay marriage and the consequences it would have if allowed. In his defense against same-sex marriage he raises four key points. The first point argues that if same-sex marriage would ruin the traditional notion which states that procreation defines what marriage is. Marriage would then have to be defined as just the exchange of sex. His second point is that if that is true then any group of people who are friends may come together and marry just to reap the financial gains that marriage may offer, including couples of two or more people. This is because as long as marriage is defined as adults engaging in sexual relations, then multi-partner relationships would fit into that category. The third point is that if we go against the idea of marriage and procreation going hand in hand then we are going against the ancient idea that the nature of things determines their good and proper functioning. The final idea is that the defining characteristic of marriage is the procreation of life and not mutual love. He feels that these two things are on different levels and should not be group into ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

United States v. Martha Stewart Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

United States v. Martha Stewart - Case Study Example Prior to and in course of the case proceedings, Martha Stewart was the chairperson of the board of directors and chief executive officer of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. Peter Bacanovic on the other hand was licensed by NASD to sell securities as a securities broker with the title "Financial Advisor" at Merrill Lynch & Co, Inc. ImClone systems is a biotechnology company in the US whose then-chief executive officer, Samuel Waksal, was Stewart's friend and a client of Stewart's stockbroker, defendant Peter Bacanovic. Subject to the cases on December 25, 2001, ImClone and Martha Stewart learned of the food and drug administration rejection of ImClone application for approval of Erbitux and announced the rejection of the application on December 28, 2001 after ImClone Chairperson December 27, 2001, sale of 3,928 shares of stock (FindLaw, 2012). This move and announcement prompted the Securities and Exchange Commission and the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York to start investigations into trading treads of ImClone especially the sale of the stock before the announcement of application rejection on Erbitux to the public. The investigations led to the indictment of Martha Stewart and Peter Bacanovic.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Expert Systems Applied to Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Expert Systems Applied to - Essay Example Expert systems consist of a number of components such as the knowledge base, the inference engine and the user interface. The knowledge base contains all the data and information collected from the domain whereas the inference engine manipulates this information in looking to find a recommended course of action. The User interface provides the platform through which the system user can interact with the program. The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine primarily focuses on developing programs that can carry out diagnostic functions and suggest therapeutic recommendations. They are based on representative models of ailment entities in relation to factors such as their clinical manifestation and their ramifications on patient factors. Knowledge based systems are commonly used in clinical situations since they can withhold a vast knowledge base especially with regards to a particularly defined task. For this reason, the use of expert systems in the medical field applies in various functions within a hospital. For instance, expert systems can be used for generating reminders and alerts in real-time scenarios where they are attached to monitors as indicators used in monitoring changes in the condition of patients. In relatively acute cases, they can be used to scan lab test outcomes or medication prescriptions and generate reminders and alerts through e-mail or text message systems. Expert systems can also be used for diagnostic aid where the patient data can be checked against a system’s knowledge base to try and come up with accurate diagnosis in cases where the case of a patient is complex or unique or the diagnostician is relatively inexperienced (Wai et al. par. 63). An example of one such system is DXplain; a clinical decision support mechanism used to aid in diagnosis by looking at a set of symptoms, signs and laboratory results and generating a ranked list of possible diagnoses while at the same

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Social Darwinism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Social Darwinism - Essay Example â€Å"Social Darwinism† is a term used to refer to the application of ideas and concepts applied to the social world which are allegedly derived from Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution (Leonard, 2009). There is much controversy surrounding Social Darwinism, its historical significance, its usage and applicability and most importantly its association with some of the known social scientist in history such as Darwin and Spencer. The debate around the definition of the term has in most cases revolved around whether or not Social Darwinism came out of the works of Darwin and other theorists that wrote about the role of biology to explain the social hierarchies present during that era, as Europe, America and other continents witnessed the aftermath of industrialization. There are basically two types of approaches to the definition of the term that have been put forward to explain the different approaches theorists have taken in order to explain the term (Crook, 1996). The â€Å"generalist† approach basically refers to Social Darwinism as the analysis of social inequality by the help of evolutionary and developmental ideas using Darwinian terminologies such as â€Å"survival of the fittest† but not explicitly relying on the original works of Darwin (Weiler). The second type known as the â€Å"restrictionist† approach in contrast, argues that a mere use of phrases that represent the work of a theorist such as â€Å"survival of fittest† does not define the theorist as a Social Darwinist (Weiler). According to the broad definition, the theory came to denote racism, imperialism and capitalism during what came to be known as the Gilded Age where, whilst the poor suffered the consequences of Industrialization in the American society, those that owned the factories and benefited from the wealth they were acquiring, although fewer in number, used Social Darwinism to justify why such notions as â€Å"survival of the fittest† put forward by Darwin and Spencer made it logical for only those that were biologically gifted or a so called â€Å"superior race† to be market leaders and worthy of acquiring the most wealth and superior positions in politics (Hodgson 2004). There is also debate on when the term was first used and while the works of theorists like Hofstadter gave a strict definition of who the Social Darwinist are, others such as Hodgson have argued that these theorists present as facts what are basically just labels (Hodgson 2004). The history of the term is a controversial issue. While some say that the term was first used in the late 1800s and was associated with known social theorists like Spencer and Sumner (Wieler), for example Spencer’s Synthetic Philosophy is one of the first pieces of literature where the term can be traced (Hodgson 2004), others argue that Spencer never used the term Social Darwinism and that he is deemed one of the founders of the theory only based on assoc iations made between the theory and Spencer’s work (Hodgson, 2004). This paper will aim to present a critique of the theory â€Å"Social Darwinism† as presented in the book â€Å"Social Darwinism in American Thought† by Hofstadter that proved to be a very influential piece on the theory. In order to do so I will look at the work of revisionists such as Hodgson and Leonard who

Monday, October 28, 2019

Initial response to Malcolm X and Black Rage Essay Example for Free

Initial response to Malcolm X and Black Rage Essay In the essay, Cornel West tries to explain how Malcolm X’s â€Å"Black Rage† articulation wasnt directed at white americans only, but also to black americans who view their lives and minds through what West describes as â€Å"White lenses†. West also claims that Malcolm X’s idea of â€Å"psychic conversation† would promote blacks to turn that rage to love and appreciation of their own culture and self worth. Another claim West mentions is that the idea of psychic conversation struck fear into black professionals, due to their constant surrounding of white social circles, but at the same time understand the idea precisely for the exact same reason. West compares these kind of individuals to Du Bois’s idea of â€Å"double consciousness†. Blacks living between their own live and whites, never settle in either, yet crave acceptance mainly from whites. ! West also believed that Malcolm X viewed black equality as a farfetched possibility due to the majority of white racists, and black victims of democracy. What interests me the most is that Malcolm X feared cultural hybridity even though he, himself, comes from a hybrid culture. But eventually Malcolm X began to slowly remove that fear after looking into the acceptance of humanity regardless of race, class, or gender in the Islamic regimes of Muslims in the Middle East. In the end of the essay, West thinks that future generations should take Malcolm X’s â€Å"black rage† and â€Å"psychic conversation† as an example of rejection to any sorts of inequality. I strongly agree with West’s idea to follow such examples in order to achieve change in human equality and acceptance.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Macbeth by William Shakespeare :: essays research papers

In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare there is a major conflict throughout the whole play. The main character Macbeth is faced with many decisions. The key decision that Macbeth makes that leads to his death is his decision to kill King Duncan. The opportunity cost would be keeping his loyalty to the king and his country. Macbeth, who is the Thane of Cawdor and already Thane of Glamis, has everything going for him. He has a good heart, but there is only one thing which keeps him from continuing to be a good person. The love of his life, Lady Macbeth, wants him to commit a heinous crime. She wants him to kill King Duncan so he could be crowned king and her Queen. Macbeth is manipulated and faced with the opportunity cost of killing the king. MACBETH. If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir† (1.3.34-36). This is Macbeth trying to decide whether or not he should kill the king, but in doing so he would be faced with other predicaments. The key decision Macbeth makes, which is to kill the king, leads to his own death and his moral downfall. Macbeth has a huge decision to make, to kill King Duncan or not kill him. The opportunity cost of killing King Duncan is Macbeth will get crowned king. The advantage of not killing him and waiting is he will gain king right away if he waits. The disadvantage of not killing him is he has to wait and could not get crowned king. He also may die before that happens. On the contrary the advantage of killing Duncan is he gets crowned right away and gets major status. The disadvantage is the murder could backfire on him and Macbeth could get killed while being king. People also would not respect him or his leadership if they thought he killed King Duncan. LADY MACBETH. When you durst do it, then you were a man: And, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man (1.7.48-53). Macbeth’s decision was based on Lady Macbeth’s manipulation. She would mess with his ego and threaten his love for her until her committed the crime. Macbeth wanted to obtain king the holy way or the right way, but Lady Macbeth had other intentions, such as, killing King Duncan.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Mugged Response Essay

In lesson 1 we demonstrated our perception of Dig and Marky through physicalising there characters. The aspects of the drama medium we used were, freeze frame, improvisation, thought track, mime, movement and gesture. As a class we read and comprehended pages 5-21. They’re about Markey and dig interchanging there burglarized items. After we read through the play, sir split us into 2 groups. One group: Markys, One group: Digs. We had to show a scene from their morning routine (in the shop). I got put into the group of Dig, I interpreted Dig in a behaviour which was to procrastinate. I conducted Dig in lifeless ,manner. I showed that dig was lazy by my use of drama medium (movement) and acting skills. My actions were very postponing and sluggish letting the audience know , my character was extremely careless. I played Dig in a careless, lifeless manor, because from the play we know that he is very self-centred and in ones self. In lesson 6 we had to summarise how each character might feel about the murder. In lesson 6, we used guilt spilt staging, voice & contrasts, We used one of the forms of stimuli of ‘play scripts’ . In the play script we explored the line ‘ I told him not to come back didn’t I mel’ to understand how all the characters feel guilty. The characters feel guilty because marky has been murdered. All the characters feel conscience-stricken and guilt ridden. The script changes throughout the ending of the play it raises the tension by shortening the dialogue. The characters speech becomes shortened and there words become more scarce and sudden . We then did a police interview by the use of drama medium ; split staging. Split staging can use two or more different levels, and the audience can see characters better if one group is behind the other and using the raised level. Me and shea was the police officers interviewing dig and sophie which in this case was Hodan and Arthur. We asked them questions such as , how do you feel about the death of markey ? They replied with very abrupt replies as we know thy was very heartbroken about the tragic news. In lesson 3 we had to explore characters reactions to the morning of the murder. The drama mediums we used were hot seating, role play , characterisation, action, plot content. We read pages 22-28 . Then we hot seated marky, dig, leon , taylor soph or mel. When it was my turn to hot seat I was soph. My group asked me questions such as how do you feel towards leon? How do you feel about your school life and home life? I replied in the character as soph as much as possible. I had a lot of positive feed back on my use of hotseating . Eisa said ‘’ carlie answered the questions well linking back to the script and what we already know about soph and she answered immediately and confident ‘’ In my opinion Jerome Richardson was hot seated outstandingly! Using him sense of emotion very well showing us his emotion by the way he spoke and the way he looked uncomfortable with certain questions . Jerome really played the character breathtakingly when asked the questions. He stayed in character and was very believable. Then we did a role play off text improvisation showing characters feeling before the murder (using thought track) By doing a off text improvisation we are showing out understanding of how much we know about the character. i was mel in the scene so I took all I knew about mel and pretended I was her thinking about how she would act and what she would do.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Federal Budget Deficit

Excessive Borrowing: Our Federal Government's Budget Deficit Maria comes home one day earlier than usual. Her family, two daughters of age five and eight and a stay-at-home husband, is surprised to see her so early and unexpectedly. The tired look on her face reveals the experience she had at work. She brings out a sluggish smile as her daughters rush up to greet her with their warm embraces, reminding her of the happiness they constantly provide but also saddened by their questionable future. Quietly, she sits down in front of her anxious spouse as he patiently awaits the news, sensing the tension in the air.Many people like Maria face the ultimate doom of losing the only method they can gain family income, especially in homes where only one spouse is employed. Laying off workers is the government's â€Å"plan† for reducing America's deficit. Of course, getting rid of the executive CEO whose company had a rough year would be bad because we all know not to bite the hand that f eeds you. The federal government is planning on making the gap between revenue and borrowing smaller by making cuts here and there throughout certain interests of America.This makes sense because in all economic situations, if you are spending more than you have, then you either need to cut back on how much you spend or manipulate ways to increase revenue. Cutting military spending has been big in debate whether as to reduce our defenses or not. Many people speculate that military cuts are sound in reducing the deficit because it is too large for us to afford today. It is overlooked that we have been dropping our armed forces significantly over several decades since the early 1980s, from 2. 1 million to 1. 4 million in 2010 (Samuelson).The resulting savings of lowering military spending would be little, since there isn't much else to cut from the already reduced forces. If our national security is a large concern, especially after 9/11, then why expose both troops and citizens at ri sk of terrorist attacks and cyber warfare? The government's job is to protect the nation and its people, and putting money towards improved technology and training is necessary for upholding America's safety and reputation. The question of the budget deficit also involves the issue of raising taxes, one that has not gone smoothly since Britain's reign over the colonies.Many people argue the importance of increasing the taxes on the rich in order to support our economy. Although it makes sense that those with more money should be paying more on taxes than lower income people, but the evidence gathered fails to give strength to the claim that many believe is a solution to the deficit problem. For instance, Obama's plan for raising the taxes for â€Å"those making more than $250,00 is expected to bring in merely $0. 7 trillion† compared to the overwhelming $13 trillion to be accumulated over the same time period (Malm, Sanandaji).It is obvious how big the gap is between the two intimidating numbers, and the government is just wasting its breath about the potential tax hikes. All the talk about the inevitable decisions of either cutting government programs or increasing taxes to save our deficit, and our economy overall, seems ominous and depressing(Aaron). However, our federal government is looking at this the wrong way. It's not about how much a program is cut or how large the numeric value of the deficit is; it's about what and where the money is being invested to enable consistent growth in the upcoming future(Conason).Think back on the potential tax hikes and how it could barely affect our economy. If increased taxes leads to slight growth in revenue, then won't tax cuts lead to loss in revenue? This is another misconception many people, and the government, have about the Bush tax cuts. It lowered the total federal tax burden in order to â€Å"increase market incentives to work, save, and invest and thus create jobs and increase economic growth† (Foy). In essence, the tax cuts focused on the long run instead of the potential losses that immediately followed.Many skeptics challenge the reasoning for investing so much money into helping so many other countries when that money could instead help us improve internal affairs. After all, foreign aid spending has increased to $50 billion a year today, which could be put towards funding education to ensure that more kids go to college and possibly affecting the innovation of the future(Morris). Giving more than you receive is nice, but when it involves a country's financial crisis, maybe it's best if Santa cuts back some of this year's presents.And although the argument may be valid, lending out a helping hand can create more allies than enemies to help us in return when we need it. In fact, foreign aid only accounts for 0. 5 percent of the federal budget (Stearn). Compared to all the other matters at hand that the government is worrying about, the amount of spending put into aidi ng poorer countries is positive in both a moral aspect and a political aspect. The federal budget deficit that we put so much trust in having handled for us is not to be dismissed so easily. This isn't just about the future of our current generation, but also our children's future.Our government fails to look back at history and see how growth has improved our economy and made it flourish. Ultimately, what's at stake here if nothing is done is our jobs, job benefits, our safety, and, overall, having a weak country whose currency is based off of its own good name. By no means is having a high deficit bad, and neither is creating a budget deficit to combat it, but it's all about how the government is handling it, and less spending doesn't always mean more revenue. Works Cited Samuelson, Robert J. â€Å"The Dangerous Debate over Cutting Military Spending. http://www. washingtonpost. com/opinions/the-dangerous-debate-over-cutting-military-spending/2011/10/28/gIQAnPWEXM_story. html. 201 1. Rpt. in  The US Deficit. Ed. Kathy Jennings and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Sanandaji, Tino, and Arvid Malm. â€Å"Raising Taxes Will Not Resolve the Budget Deficit. â€Å"The US Deficit. Ed. Kathy Jennings and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Obama's Folly: Why Taxing the Rich Is No Solution. http://www. american. com/archive/2011/august/obamasfollytaxingtherich/ article_print. 2011. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Conason, Joe. â€Å"Deficits Do Not Matter. †Ã‚  The Federal Budget Deficit. Ed. Susan Hunnicutt. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"Dick Cheney Was Right: Deficits Don't Matter—and Republicans Who are Complaining About Barack Obama's Spending Are Hypocrites. †Ã‚  Salon. com. 2009. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Aaron, Henry J. â€Å"The Un ited States Needs to Address Two Distinct Budget Deficits. Government Spending. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"A Tale of Two Deficits: Stop Treating Them Like They're the Same Thing! †Ã‚  New Republic  (1 June 2011). Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Foy, Andrew, and Brenton Stransky. â€Å"The Bush Tax Cuts Were Good for Economic Growth. †Ã‚  Government Spending. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Lying About Bush's Tax Cuts. â€Å"www. americanthinker. com. 2010. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013.Stearns, Richard. â€Å"Congress Should Not Cut Foreign Aid. †Ã‚  Is Foreign Aid Necessary? Ed. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"Cutting Foreign Aid: Not the America I Love. †Ã‚  Huffington Post. 2011. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Morris, Di ck. â€Å"Congress Should Cut Foreign Aid. †Ã‚  Is Foreign Aid Necessary? Ed. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from â€Å"Cut Foreign Aid Budget Now. †Ã‚  http://thehill. com  (29 Mar. 2011). Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Feb. 2013.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gay and Lesbian Studies Essay

Gay and Lesbian Studies Essay If you are assigned to write a paper on gay and lesbian studies – you will have to mould your own personal opinion on this matter as well as prove your opinion by providing vivid examples and strong argumentation. Gay and lesbian essay has to be a paper showing either tolerance of gay and lesbian relationships or disapproval on the contrary. Basically, a gay and lesbian essay – is written for you to be able to think and convince the reader of your opinion. In order to succeed in this assignment – your academic paper should be logical and well balanced. The message that you want to deliver in your essay, term paper, research paper should not cause any objections, and if it does – these objections need to be forecasted and addressed. Another good technique in writing a paper of this type – is to show all the pros and cons of gay and lesbian relationships. You need to be able to observe the gay and lesbian relationships from the inside, and try thinking the way gays and lesbians do. Only if you manage to do so – you will be able to claim yourself as a neutral party. There is no better argumentation than history. You can easily make history and historical events prove your point, without taking into consideration of are you for or against gay and lesbian relationships. Why not have an expert writer write your custom gay and lesbian studies paper for you? You can delegate your assignment to, and we will pleasantly amaze you with the quality of our custom written papers. can help you with this assignment. Many of our writers are proficient in gay and lesbian relations studies, and we can write the custom paper for you. If you think that this paper is simply unbearable – try asking for help.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Was Germany Responsible for the Outbreak of the First World War essays

Was Germany Responsible for the Outbreak of the First World War essays The First World War was a devastating war that effected many places and also very many lives. Because of the effects of the war people were determined to search for the country that was to blame for all the disaster created. The outbreak was contingent on a determining number of factors. These factors included nationalism that was being spread throughout Europe during the time before World War I had started and the alliance system. Although Germany was not all to blame for the outbreak of World War I, it did contribute more than a fare share in its involvement in the alliance system, nationalism, the arms race, and emulation between countries and colonies. Previously, before the start of World War I, the dominating powers of Europe (Russia, France, Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, and Germany) were experiencing various problems, which caused the relationships between each power to be extremely edgy and undependable. All five powers were just beginning to adapt to the industrial revolution within their own country, which did not help the matter of dealing with other countries. At the same time, a strong sense of nationalism was brewing throughout the countries of Europe causing many more problems with how to deal with other countries when ones own citizens dislikes anothers own. Nationalism brought about competitive manners amongst Europe, causing aggressive results at times. Because of the creation of the German Empire in 1871 Germany feared an attack was coming due to the mass jealously of Germanys advancing industry and military antecedents. By this time Germany seemed to be the most advanced in military and in industry, so in order for self-defense of each European country, alliance agreements were reached. Great Britain, France and Russia made the Triple Entente, while the opposing powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy created the Triple Alliance. Germany began becoming a country of ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

2012 Hurricane Names

2012 Hurricane Names 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 Below you will find the listing of hurricane names for the Atlantic Ocean for the year 2012. For every year, there is a pre-approved list of tropical storm and hurricane names. These lists have been generated by the National Hurricane Center since 1953. At first, the lists consisted of only female names; however, since 1979, the lists alternate between male and female. Hurricanes are named alphabetically from the list in chronological order. Thus the first tropical storm or hurricane of the year has a name that begins with A and the second is given the name that begins with B. The lists contain hurricane names that begin from A to W, but exclude names that begin with a Q or U. There are six lists that continue to rotate. The lists only change when there is a hurricane that is so devastating, the name is retired and another hurricane name replaces it. As there were no significant hurricanes in 2006, the 2012 hurricane name list is the same as the 2006 hurricane name list. 2012 Hurricane Names AlbertoBerylChrisDebbyErnestoFlorenceGordonHeleneIsaacJoyceKirkLeslieMichaelNadineOscarPattyRafaelSandyTonyValerieWilliam Join Me on Facebook | Follow Me on Twitter mrgeog

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Operations management - Essay Example They all convert inputs in order to provide outputs which are required by the customer.† The resources that go into an operating system include materials (physical items that are consumed), machines (physical items that are used), and labor (people who provide or contribute to the operation of a system). The transformation process is one that adds value to the goods or services that are offered by a business. Wild (2002, pg. 6) says that operations management â€Å"is concerned with the design and the operation of systems for manufacture, transport, supply, or service.† The activities you would expect to find in an operating system include manufacturing, which consists of process, match, batch, and jobbing (where something is physically created); transporting (where something is moved from where it was created to a different place); supply (where ownership is changed), and service (where someone or something is accommodated). An operating system is, â€Å"a reflection of the purpose it serves for its customer, i.e., the utility of its output to the customer (Wild, 2002, pg. 4). The external influences of the design of any system can necessarily vary. Examples of these include money, utilities, the external marketplace, the economy, the weather, disastrous situations, the state of the company, stakeholder opinions and actions, the availability of materials, the availability of machines, the availability of labor, the labor market, the availability of proper facilities, the demand for the products or services that are being offered, and the availability of transportation for goods that have been manufactured. 2. A company with poor productivity & customer service record wishes to improve throughput, reduce operating expenses and inventories by installing better process technology. What would you recommend and why? Improving throughput, reducing operating expenses and inventories will take quite a bit of organization on the part of the company. In

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ace records Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ace records - Essay Example duties in your new stations, you will be allocated a sum of three hundred dollars to enable you buy some of the things that you may find necessary for your operations. With this money, you can buy items such as personal clocks, carpets to make the office welcome and some source of entertainment like a radio to keep you company. The organization through this transformation, will intrinsically make us comfortable while we carry out our duties. This new environment will also allow for privacy given that everyone will operate in his or her own office. Extrinsically, the firm will attract more customers which will generate more income. I know some obstacles such as competition from other well-doing companies will arise but we shall put so much effort as possible. Competition is necessary in a company because it develops hard work in all business firms (Silverstein, 2007). I wish you all the best in your undertakings hoping that you will now dedicate yourselves to make this record group become one of the best in this region and beyond. All of us will be glad when in the next few years, we relocate to a much better and bigger station to make our performance even