Saturday, December 28, 2019

Athletes In Danger In Sport - 1075 Words

Athletes are in Danger It is all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Many athletes, are being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis that takes control of the body. Others show symptoms of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy causing many to forget love ones. Theses types of diseases are attacking middle age men, who are involved in a sport. Today, sport’s programs just dont put enough care to the player, only to the performance that brings the profit. Any athlete can get a concussion at a game. Games are giving athletes head trauma that affects the brain, causing them to be in danger in the future. Athletes are dying and if changing the rules, even if it changes the game can save lives. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis†¦show more content†¦There are many other ailments that come with CTE like Parkinsons which is the death of viral nerve cells and HuitingtonÅ› the breakdown of nerve cells. CTE is one out of many diseases that have been ignored. Kevin Turner was a football player for the Patriot Eagles, he was diagnosed with ALS in 2010. He wanted to know if football had something to do with it. A studied showed that the National Football League (NFL) players were four times more likely to have ALS than most Americans. Also NFL players are three times more likely to die from ALS. The 91 athletes out of 95 that donated their brain to research had CTE. Therefore football has been a cause for ALS studied by Boston University. Turner said he knew a lot of people with ALS and usually were guys who played a position that have to do with big collisions. Turner stated that if he knew the risk of playing football he wouldnt have played. Is the sports world doing enough to help out athletes with theses neurological disease? NFL is supporting the athletes with ALS giving a 88 plan that gives the athletes financial help but it doesnt not include CTE. NFL did a fundraiser for ALS by doing the ice bucket challenge raising 41.8 million in dollars. After that generous donation did they continue with their fundraising for ALS? NFL is just been giving money to research for ALS. The sports world should not only give money to researchers to find a cure for ALS but to otherShow MoreRelatedSteriods in Sports Essay1259 Words   |  6 PagesNow put this through your mind. That athlete could improve his or her already superb skills into something even greater. This can be possible with the help of steroids. There is a current debate of allowing steroids to be legal in sports. Steroids should not be allowed in sports. Some people ask why. This research paper will give those people just a few of the many reasons why it should not be allowed. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Industrialization During The 19th Century - 1751 Words

Industrialization in the US During the 19th Century (Adjusted) There are many causes and effects of America’s Industrialization, some of the main reasons include: migration to cities, improved transportation, and laissez-faire philosophy, while the primary effects generated by these causes include; consumerism, expansion of the market, and changed working conditions. First, one of the major causes of America’s mechanization is social, and it’s the mass migration of people into the cities. Around the turn of the 20th century, America became the world’s largest industrial power and went from being predominantly rural to largely urban. People, who recognized the cities as areas of great opportunity, began to work in factories as cheap†¦show more content†¦Robert Fulton Steamboat Clermont first sailed from New York to Albany in 1807 demonstrating the potential of steampowered commerce, and by 1811 there were steamboats on the Mississippi. The introduction of steamboats set off a mania for canal building between 1800 and the Depression of 1837 which put a halt to most construction, more than 3,000 miles of canals were built. And no state was more instrumental in the canal boom then New York which in 1825 completed the 363 mile long Erie canal linking the Great Lakes, with the Hudson River, which made New York the nationâ €™s premier port. Nathaniel Hawthorne once said that, â€Å"the canal is like fertilizer causing cities to spring up along side it (The Canal Boat: Nathaniel Hawthorne Travels the Erie Canal.) The most important new transportation at the turn of the 19th century however was the railroad. The first commercial railroad The Baltimore and Ohio was begun in 1828 and by 1860 there were more than 30,000 miles of rails in the United States (Transportation Developments in the Early Republic.) This improvement is transportation increased demand and supply, and as more people needed more goods the industry of America as we know it now, began to grow. The third and final reason for Industrialization is political, and it’s laissez-faire philosophy. In 1776, economist Adam Smith released his work titled â€Å"The Wealth

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Alcohol Related Issues in Redfern New South Wales

Question: "ALCOHOL RELATED ISSUES IN REDFERN NEW SOUTH WALES" Explain why alcohol gives domestic violence.Identify what research in this area has already been undertaken and point out gaps in knowledge. Critically consider what debates exist and different points of view from within the particular disciplinary perspective. .Explain how this existing information will inform the work you are undertaking as a group. What, if any, policies, guidelines or regulations might exist that affect everyday life and the work of people, and the organisations within communities. Answer: Introduction Social problem is considered as a situation where some people are viewed as undesirable. The social problems can affect and hamper the society. On the other hand, social issues consider problems within a particular group or area. Therefore, it can affect the real life or community. The current study will be discussing about social problem related to alcohol related issues with reference to Redfern New South Wales and the relation between alcohol and domestic violence. Alcohol and Medical Problems According to alcohol is termed as toxic substance that can have serious affect on the body organs. The major health issues that are related with alcohol consumption are: Stomach Functioning and interferes can slow down with digestion Can cause ulcer and gastritis Chances of cancer Liver Person can have fatty liver or alcoholic hepatitis Permanent damage of liver (cirrhosis) Heart Can affect the rhythm of normal heart Blood vessels can damage Wane heart muscles Can lead to enlargement Other Effects Tremors in hands and feet Lead to muscles degeneration due to loss of protein Sexual issues Malnutrition problem Neuritis tingling sensation Social Problems connected with alcohol use As per Broady et al. (2014) consuming alcohol can lead to many consequences on the part of individual drinker and also on the environment and society. The people can lose their life and can affect the life of others along with him/her. Apart from that, Day (2013) mentioned that alcohol can lead to damage of much public or private property and can also affect the economic productivity. Workplace and alcohol consumption: Heavy percentage of drinking at the working place can lead to lower productivity. On the other hand, Hart, A. (2009) opined that excessive use of alcohol can end up to absence and it can involve substantial cost to workers and systems of social security. There are number of evidence which proves that alcohol dependence lead to higher percentage of sickness absence. For instance, in NSW about 30% of workplace accidents and absenteeism occurs due to alcohol dependence (, 2015). Family and Alcohol consumption: Powell and Murray (2008) stated that, alcohol use by the parents can lead to child abuse that can affect the environment of child psychologically, socially and economically. Moreover, the drinking can consume large money and affect the family life. The person drinking high alcohol can lead to violence, HIV infection with their partners, etc. Moreover, the person may have no concern for the family and can spend all their income on alcohol. Poverty and Alcohol: As per Roman and Reid (2012), the economic expenditure effect on drinks are wide in poverty areas. The drinker may suffer economic effects such as low wage, high medical expenses, lost employment opportunities, less eligible for having loan, etc. For instance, as per the recent survey in NSW around 10% of men agreed that they have high expenditure on alcohol than their total income. Real Cost of Alcohol According to Lee (2013), the large percentage of income or revenue is gained from the sale of alcohol. On the other hand, Lanz (2013) pointed that hidden or cumulative costs are higher in terms of health care, absenteeism and decreased level of income due to heavy alcohol use. Health and Safety: The use of alcohol can lead to premature death, various cancers, damage of organ system, violence, trauma, unsafe sexual practices, and families poor nutritional facilities, etc. For instance, from the survey on NSW, it was found that around 13-16% suffered from traumatic brain issues (Assaf and Chaban, 2013). Workplace: Around 400% of accidents and 20% of absenteeism at workplace was found in the survey conducted in 2009 in NSW due to consumption of alcohol. Apart from that, the annual loss that occurred due to alcohol was estimated to be around $1380 to $ 1570 million that affected the society and nation (, 2015). Family: According to Livingston (2011), almost3to 40% of household expenditure is depleted on alcohol. As a result, the families were incapable to pay for food or educations that are below poverty line. On the other hand, alcohol abuse can end up to separations or divorce and affect emotional trauma. Alcohol and Domestic Violence The alcohol use also has serious impact on the domestic violence incidents. The studies have resulted that the relationship among domestic violence and alcohol is complex. The domestic violence due to alcohol affects the emotional, social, physical and financial wellbeing of the families and individuals. For instance, an incidents analysis covered by New South Wales police in 1991 pointed that approx 40% of domestic violence arises due to alcohol (Rees and Pease, 2007). The violence against the partners involves more alcohol that having violence against other person. The domestic violence arises due to family pressure, work pressure, instable mental state, etc that affect both the partners. On the basis of previous studies, it has been found that wives that are abused by their partners have taken higher proportion of alcohol. For instance, as per the report of 2008, in NSW almost 30% has alcohol involvement and had bad behavior with their wife or families (, 2015). On the other hand,, 2015) investigated that in Australia, a large section of young rural female fatality pointed that they had verbal abuse in pubs, clubs and in home. As per the report conducted by Health Organization shows that: Physical Abuse Rural Metropolitan In Home 43.8% 30.4% In pubs and clubs 47.3% 32.6% Put in fear (in home) 32.1% 20.0% Apart from that, Lanz (2013) mentioned that as per the survey of community attitudes to violence against women in Australia resulted that community has perception that alcohol is the prime cause that lead to domestic violence. On the other hand, 94% of people pointed that alcohol as a trigger but is not an excuse for violence. The consumption of alcohol is strongly correlated with the partner violence against the non-partner violence. In the domestics violence between husband and wife, husband are more aggressors and largely hurts the wife by throwing hands, using slang language by using the power. According to Powell and Murray, (2008), the domestic violence arises if one partner is not happy with the conduct of their partners or behavior or having fight regularly. Therefore, it can make the people to consume alcohol in order to release out mental pressure. On the other hand, Hart, (2009) argued that domestic violence can arise if there is stress to maintain the family and provide good and healthy and in spite of trying hard the person may fail which can led to depression and inclined towards the alcohol. Moreover, the financial pressure, lower social standing and behavior changes can result in domestic violence. Therefore, it can be said that it is an excuse for violence. Change Models and Methods Brief Counseling: In order to squeeze out from the alcohol consumption, the addicted person can be given counseling so that the person life can be improved. The counselor may need to understand the current drinking levels and provide some tips to acknowledge the risks and benefits associated after consuming alcohol (Carrie Chan, 2015). Guide Self Change: The people can be motivated to resolve their issues and proper guidance can be delivered to the people. The addicted person has to be encouraged that he/she has to take the responsibility so that domestic violence can be decreased (Roman and Reid, 2012). Harm Reduction Model: This model can help to educate the people about drinking without engaging any legal, financial, physical and social issues (Day, 2013). The person may no need to stop their drinking but they may require drinking responsibly. Motivational Interviewing: The expert can conduct motivation interview for the people that are alcohol addicted and it can help them in realizing their negative consequences. It can help in bringing change among the people that can assist in solving domestic violence and building strong bonding between partners (Broady et al. 2014). Psychodynamic Therapy: The therapy can help in knowing the past or negative consequences or experiences that a person has gone through then it could help in bringing change in the drinker (Livingston, 2011). The alcohol counseling can deliver ways to the person to deal with the drinking habits. Personal View The alcohol consumption and addiction is a serious issue and gives rise to many issues that affect the personal and public life. According to me, I think that alcohol has a contribution in domestic violence but the reason of violence is based on other factors that lead to conflict. I believe that alcohol use has more affect on the family. The domestic violence hurts the weaker person the most. On the other hand, the reason behind domestic violence has to be studied before making the alcohol the main reason for violence. Conclusion The study on alcohol and its relation with domestic violence shows that it leaves a great impact on the family and individual person. The domestic violence gives rise to separation and physical problem. The people incline to alcohol due to many reasons that result in violence that affects family and people around family. Apart from that, in order to resolve the domestic violence some change models and methods is effective for the people that are alcoholic. References Assaf, S. and Chaban, S. (2013). Domestic Violence Against Single, Never-Married Women in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Violence Against Women, 19(3), pp.422-441. Broady, T., Gray, R. and Gaffney, I. (2014). Taking Responsibility: A Psychological Profile of Men Attending a Domestic Violence Group Work Intervention Program in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(14), pp.2610-2629. Carrie Chan, (2015). Alcohol Issues in Domestic Violence. Day, A. (2013). Commentary on Stuart et al . (2013): Domestic violence and interventions to reduce alcohol use. Addiction, 108(8), pp.1385-1386. Hart, A. (2009). Child-inclusive mediation in cases of domestic violence in Australia. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 27(1), pp.3-26., (2015). Alcohol in Australia Issues and Strategies. Lanz, P. (2013). Domestic Violence, Alcohol Consumption and Depression in Criminal Population. Psychology, 04(03), pp.153-158. Lee, M. (2013). Breaking Barriers: Addressing Structural Obstacles to Social Service Provision for Asian Survivors of Domestic Violence. Violence Against Women, 19(11), pp.1350-1369. Livingston, M. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and domestic violence. Addiction, 106(5), pp.919-925. Powell, A. and Murray, S. (2008). Children and Domestic Violence: Constructing a Policy Problem in Australia and New Zealand. Social Legal Studies, 17(4), pp.453-473. Rees, S. and Pease, B. (2007). Domestic Violence in Refugee Families in Australia. Journal of Immigrant Refugee Studies, 5(2), pp.1-19. Roman, C. and Reid, S. (2012). Assessing the Relationship Between Alcohol Outlets and Domestic Violence: Routine Activities and the Neighborhood Environment. Violence, 27(5), pp.811-828., (2015). Global Status Report on Alcohol 2004.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

They Will Be Proud free essay sample

I lived in a small town in Mexico named Tepalcingo. The streets made of small rocks, the roads falling apart much like the houses. Kids would run around playing with old toys and mud. I was that child, my family struggled. We lived in a small house made of tree branches with mud that helped them stay up; and the wet brown mud was our floor, one bed for five people; my parents, my two older sisters and myself. We didn’t have a place to shower, and we used a large bin with a small container to pour water over ourselves and heated water over a handmade fireplace. My dad was never home, he was away working in a factory, while my mom stayed home and took care of us.My sisters and I always waited at the door for my dad to come home he would bring us our favorite yogurt, until one day he didn’t show. We will write a custom essay sample on They Will Be Proud or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I didn’t know why at the time nor would I understand: I was only 2, but my mom did, so did my sisters. A year later I was on a plane headed to the U.S. The entire time I thought my dad hadabandoned us; he was working hard to get us to a greener, better place. As I grew up, we moved around a lot. Money was tight, by the time I was seven we shared a two bedroom apartment with my uncle and his friend. They had one bedroom, and we had the other. Living in Oregon was different compared to Mexico. Instead of staying at home with my mom and helping around the house, I never saw my mom or dad. My older sister Marlen was like my mother. Every morning for school she’d wake me up, we would eat our cereal half asleep. I would sit on a chair in front of my tv watching music videos, my eyes half shut and my body restless. I need to wake up I can’t miss school. It was rare to have my mom home when Id wake up for school. I was use to it. To see her there one morning it was strange, and I continued with my morning routine. While I was eating my cereal with my sisters, my mom told me she would take me to my bus stop. I had never been so happy I quickly got up and ran to get my backpack. We rushed out the door and made our way to the bus stop, half way there we heard a buzzing sound; it was her manager. All i heard was â€Å"Ill be ready in 5 minutes† she cleaned apartments with other ladies so her getting called randomly was no surprise. My mother kneeled down and kissed me and said sorry. She walked back home, and I walked to my bus stop. The entire bus ride I was quiet. No words no facial expressions just tears slowly making their way down my face. Do my parents hate me? Is that why they never want to be around. Some time went by, and I began to understand everything. My parents didn’t hate me, in fact, they loved me so much they worked hard day in and day out to provide for our family. They might have been exhausted, but they never gave up. By the time I was ten my parents were working two jobs. I saw them both get home late at night. Tired, worn out and stressed, they never knew I saw them this way because as soon as I walked out to hug them, they would smile and pretend they were okay. I’d hug them and kiss them goodnight. I hope they’re okay. They seem so tired please God let them rest.I grew up, and things were getting better. We got our own apartment, and my parents were home more often now, not as stressed but still tired. My parents have worked hard to get our family to where we are now. No, we dont have a lot of money, but we are rich in love. They taught me many valuable lessons I still carry with me to this day. Lessons that I try to use every day, in situations that are deemed suitable. In many of my classes in high school, I have had a rough time understanding what is going on or what I have to do. I sit in class my parents went through so much and got through it I can too. It motivates me to reach out and try something new. Im proud to have parents like mine. I may not live in a huge house and have all these luxuries, but theyve given me what I need if not more, my family under one roof healthy and that to me is priceless. I want to make my parents proud, I challenge myself and will continue to challenge myself to reach my goals to show my parents that their hard work has paid off as well.